Shopping App or Not?
Food shopping services – where you order online, your local grocery store shops for you, and you pick up or they deliver to your door – are increasing in popularity … but I have some reservations about it.
Buying groceries this way can lead to a lack of variety in your diet, and “disconnects” you from your food ingredients. For your health, selecting the foods for your meals needs to be prioritized.
However, I understand the reality of time pressure, especially here in the New York City metro area, so I have 5 tips for staying engaged with your food:
- Use online shopping for shelf stable products – cans, boxes, bags, etc.
- Shop for produce, fruits and protein (meat, fish, etc.) yourself where you can see, touch and select it firsthand. Schedule it.
- Visit your local farmer’s market for seasonal produce and fresh foods.
- Grow a small garden, even a window garden of herbs.
- As the seasons change, check to see if you’re changing your foods too.
Stay connected to your food for your health! Like this episode? Share it and leave me a comment below with experience with online grocery shopping.